
My name is Quinn Flaherty, and I am a member of the vanguard group of girls to join the century old BSA program. I am a 9th grader at Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart and an Eagle Scout Candidate. I am a member of Sea Scout Ship 3821, and of Troop 824.

I joined Scouting in February of 2019, when the program first opened it's doors to girls. I'm on my third year of Scouting, and I am excited to see what the next few years bring!

Current Scouting Positions:

Sea Ship 3821, Dunkirk NY - Purser
Scouts BSA Troop 824G, Sanborn NY - Life Rank / Troop Guide
Allegheny Highlands Council VOA - Vice President of Communications
Allegheny Highlands Council Executive Board - Youth Member

Why did you join Scouting?

I am always open to trying something different, and a girl joining The Boy Scout Program was about as different as you could get. I am on my third year of scouting, and over the past couple years I have met some of my closest friends and found life-long interests. Scouting also has close ties to my family. My grandfather was a scoutmaster for over 20 years, my dad is an Eagle Scout and my brother is a Cub Scout. We are always outside exploring, and Scouting has fueled my thirst for adventure.

How has Scouting impacted you?

The Scouting program has pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I have learned so much because of it. Through the variety of merit badges, I discovered I have a passion for math and science, especially astronomy. Scouting has shown me how to be a better leader and better person. I have made some lifelong friendships and met some incredible people, and I am excited to be able to give back.

What is it like being a girl in the program?

There have definitely been ups and downs. I was pleasantly surprised to see how accepted the girls were within the program, and how much of a push there was to include girls in every activity. It is cool to be a trailblazer and be able to say that I was among one of the first to do something, and I just hope that the girls who come after me can have a much smoother transition and have positive role models to look up to.

Do you have any advice for younger scouts?

Don't be afraid to try something different, and ask a lot of questions. You will never know if you don't like something unless you try it. Also, It's ok to not know the right thing and mess up because we are all learning and no one is expecting perfection, so have fun and get excited about the world around you!

Favorite Merit Badge?

I can't choose just one! My favorite merit badges both are related to space: Astronomy and Space Exploration. I learned so much from these merit badges, and since then my interest in space has peaked. Because of these merit badges, I am looking into careers as an aerospace engineer!

Why aren't you in Girl Scouts?

I was actually in the program for awhile when I was younger, but as I got older I got busier and didn't continue. One of my friends is involved in Girl Scouts and Scouts BSA. She has a goal to earn her Eagle Scout and Gold Star Award. Both programs are incredibly beneficial and fun to be apart of.

For more information on Girl Scouting: https://www.girlscouts.org